Being in good creative company feeds my soul…

I don’t find it that comfortable to write more personal blogs really only based on my own fears/limiting beliefs of sounding ‘preachy’ ‘showing off’ or ‘plain dull’. And I have decided to stop listening to my ‘mindtalk’ thanks to being blessed to having amazing butt kicking, bold, creative and truthtelling women around me who are inspiring me write how I speak – frankly, creatively, passionately and with warmth.

Two immediately spring to mind….

Yes to speaking, writing and creating from the heart...

Alison Kakande bumped into me at a Hackney Museum event and we discovered more than shared experience of working in communities. Her blog hits my heart every time and I love watching her grow her visions for her chat show, her online Stop Playing Small packages… READ MORE HERE.

Winsome Duncan aka Lyrical Healer aka bloody amazing lady. Similarly we met via some connection with working with creativity in communities and now I’ve the pleasure of sharing hub office space with her, belly laughs and more. Her ongoing rising to the top of her game founding the award winning MployMe is so down to her knowing how to give more than she seeks… READ MORE HERE.

All in all inspirational female company with inspirational companies serving communities to rise as they continue to grow.

It’s great when I finish work at the end of a long day to know in my heart I am in good creative company! My own and others…

Alison Kakande’s blog

Lyrical Healer’s blog

MployMe website